2017 march 08th we entered into University of  Kelaniya with so many dreams. Then we started our academic and had some tough and easy subjects. But we never believed we had a  subject which relief our mind and will wait to give some nice memories for us and that is the subject named PERSONAL PROGRESS DEVELOPMENT ( PPD ).  This is a compulsory subject and we haven't any exams on it but we wants to pass this subject to get the degree and this is the power of this subject.

Each and every classes our madam bring a new activity for us and all involved in them and had some great experiences and we learned a lot from them. After some academic struggles we had to do our first blog named WHAT IS PPDstill that we don't know what is blog and how to handle it? but from that blog we learnt what is blog and how to handle it..........So this is one of the main lesson we learnt from PPD.

Then after some classes we did Paper tower group activity in 10/07/2017. We were separated in three groups and couple of them have eight members and one of the group had seven members. Then our lecturer gave us 12 piece of A4 papers, tape and a scissor. After that we went out of the class room and our madam separate a unique place for each groups to stand our paper tower and we had fifteen minutes time to make our paper tower it means we were asked to build a tower with those twelve papers and the tallest tower builders were the winners.Through this activity we learnt about, Leadership quality, Planning, Time management and How to work as a group.

Those are the activities which we asked to entered into the blog but apart from them we did several individual and group activities inside and outside of our class room.

This is a wonderful activity we did in our class room and what happened is we all sit in every ones lap and formed a circle and we asked to be in the same position until the time reached. But it was really a difficult game and we enjoyed a lot and learnt to work as a group and learnt how to be patient at in our difficult times.

This another quite interesting game we played that madam gave us a cup with some papers which were rolled and a cap made by paper. Then we asked to pass them from one to one and one thing was passed from front and other thing was passed from end and when madam knock the desk the person who had the cup of papers wanted to get a paper randomly and a small activity written on it. then we asked to do that activity and we learnt how to prepare ourselves within a short period.

This is the final activity of the first semester that we asked to bring briscil boards and wanted to do a small presentation about our life goals. This remind us the responsibility of our future.

Now we started our 2nd semester and at the very first class of the semester we separated into groups and asked to do a blog about University of Kelaniya. We had a nice time with our friends.

This is a day we did two activities. The very first activity is stand on the paperfirst we asked to stand on a little big paper but the condition was if any one's foot come outside of the paper then the team would be loss. so first time every group did it well then our madam told us to fold the paper half in size and asked to stand their. like wise if a team did it correctly then the paper again again asked to fold and the team which stand correctly as much as possible it will be the winner and the third group was the winner in this activity.                                 

The mistakes which the groups made was:
  • didn't had the correct strategy
  • Didn't expect that our madam told us to fold the paper
  • haven't proper communication
                                              Through this activity we learnt that:
  • We want to have a proper strategy before we going to start a work
  • We want to communicate clearly
  • We want to be alert at any time and ready to face

Then the next activity was Lava River . First our madam gave 4 paper plates and we asked to cross a small distance and the first team which crossed first was the winner and it will get 100 marks luckily we were the group reached first and we got 100 marks but the condition was always there must be a human touch to that paper plates and if any one missed it then it was taken off from us.

Finally what we learnt is:

  • How to move with a team
  • Wants to clear the idea of the instructions carefull
  • Time management
  • Leadership quality
  • Never ever give up

One day  our madam gave one Egg, five papers and a sellotape and told us to make any thing which protect the egg by using those papers and the sellotape. So what was happened is we did egg protector within 45 minutes and after that all the groups went out and then a student stand on a bench and throw each teams' egg protector and finally madam watched every groups' egg protector and selected the winner group which one's egg was not broke.

                                                             After that activity we did a mind blowing puzzle activity and what we did was we got some matches and within a time period we asked to move the matches and solve the puzzle.

This time we are focusing on our life goal with an individual activity in our lecture time. We were advised to came with a bristle board and asked to design a visual explanation about our life goals. So first we separated  our goals into three main categories.

                        Academic goals
                        Professional goals
                        Personal goals

Now first our madam asked one person from each group and Heshani was went and then madam gave a page of a magazine to us to see it for 5 seconds and after that asked to bring it to her and also Shehara went to support Heshani for the activity. then both of them cut the magazine into 100 pieces with different shapes according to the instructions of the madam. 

Then madam coolect 10 pieces from each group and shuffle them and gave it to each groups. When all the groups were did it then we started to re arrange the pieces to get the corrected page as we seen earlier. We were given 15 minutes to rearrange the magazine. Then we tried as much as possible to done it.

                                finally we discussed about the plus and minuses of each groups.

*Time balancing
*How to protect our resources from the external and internal factors.
*Work as a group

Its 2017 December  09th and 10th and all the first and second years of Software Engineering students organized and successfully take part in their field trip. We are all together more than 70 students and 3 lecturers came with us and we went to Trincomale Navy Camp.  There are so many memories and unforgettable moments in this field trip and we learnt a lot of thing through this field trip.

1st activity: there was a small square which was tucked with two bamboos and placed it as the square comes in the middle with little bit of high from floor and we were asked to go into the square without touching and if any part of our body touched the square then we were out and once again start  from the first.
2nd activity: this time they asked 8 people from a group without the leader so totally 9 participants from each group and what they did was they gave small PVC plastic and the leader stay front and wants to put the marble into the first person's PVC when the marble touch the PVC only the next person wants to touch his PVC with the other one's. like wise the group wants to pass the marble to the boundary line. We did it nicely and finished game within 5 minutes.
3rd activity: Now the Officers gave us a little bit big plastic tube. the both front and rear end were opened and also there were many holes in that tube and they asked us to fill the water by taking from sea.what we did was we asked kishanth to remove his t-shirt and then he lay down and we kept the tube on his stomach and all we hurry to fill that tube and we all ran to sea and get the water into our mouth and in both hands and ran back and poured the water into the tube. like wise we did it repeatedly and we made a huge success from our team work that means we filled it just in 2 minutes and it was wonderful. 
4th activity: Now we asked to form 10 people from each group in a queue and they gave us bricks and each of every one wants to keep the brick in their stomach and the person who in front wants to keep that brick without falling down by pushing it with his back and also the other condition was every one wants to keep their hands on the back side of the head then the group asked to move to the boundary line which was kept by the officers without fall down any bricks if any brick fall down then the team wanted to start from the beginning. But this time we didn't finished it correctly.
5th activity: The fifth activity was beach volley ball but a small different. we can't use our hands. So what happened was every group formed their group into three parts with 6 members for each and one of the person wants to stay the other side to catch the ball. the other five wants to stay the other side and four of them wants to hold a cloth like a rubber sheet and the other one wants to keep the volley ball onto the rubber sheet and lead the team and the team wanted to throw the ball using that cloth to the other side and the person who stand on the other side wanted to catch the ball. if it happened correctly then the team will get 1 points. every group got 15 chances to try it and we team Delta got 5 points. This also a nice activity.
6th activity: Now that's time for a serious game and now we wanted to take participate in tough of war.
7th activity: we did a small drama and a group song and also we had a fire camp also there and we had our dinner and finally we back to our rest rooms and after a unforgettable memories in the first day we went to bed.
final day: this time an unimaginable activity we had. that is we had a map and a compass and we asked to reached the elephant point by using the map and the compass and its 2.5 km distance. so first the officers taught us how to use the compass and they came for support us. finally we reached our campus with some unique memories and experiences. there we learnt especially the leadership qualities, time punctuality, working with people, obeying orders, respecting others, our pride etc etc.

This is the end of the first year of us with lot of happiness, worries, hardworking. Finally at our last class we asked to do a blog called LOOKS BACK and that is which you are seeing now.




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